NUWAT – Social Solidarity Center is a Lebanese non-governmental organization, established by the beginning of 1998, registered at the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Municipalities as grassroots independent NGO on June 19th, 2009, license number 989.
Basically, “Nuwat” operates in the Palestine refugee camps, gatherings and all around Lebanon mainly focusing on vulnerable groups. Nuwat mainly focuses on advocacy, social works, medical and educational support and assistance to the helpless and the marginalized groups equally and neutrally.
Services are offered within systematic methods through projects implemented by Nuwat, or in coordination with other local authorities and NGO’s for benefits of targeted groups based on their needs analyses.
Nuwat is a pioneer association that offers socio-economic and educational services for the marginalized groups in Lebanon, centred on partaking, equity and human rights.
Working on developing the Palestinian community in the camps and surroundings in social and economic context by raising the level of academic and vocational education, reducing school drop outs, illiteracy. Also, raise health and cultural awareness through implementing various activities targeting youth, women and children in particular and empowering young people within their community in order to participate in decision-making through advocacy campaigns and initiatives.