"My language, my identity… through it, I express myself!" At the Alternative School Project – Nuwat Association, we celebrate International Mother Language Day, highlighting the importance of Arabic Language in preserving our culture, identity, and education. Because learning starts with our language and reaches the world!
Read moreAs part of the 'Regular Networking Activities,' the microcredit Team in the Beddawi Camp organized a special meeting with one of the entrepreneurs in the camp. The meeting focused on her inspiring story of starting her business from home and developing it despite the challenges and difficulties she faced. She spoke about how she overcame obstacles and expanded her business, becoming a role model for success and growth in the world of entrepreneurship." This project is funded by Fons Menorquei
Read moreEmpowering each other through shared experiences, open conversations, and mutual support. In these group sessions, in Ein El Helwi and Naher El Bared camps, that are implemented within Violet Home Project, we create a safe space to grow, heal, and inspire one another. Because together, we are stronger! Violet home project is funded by Caritas Espanola.
Read moreAn opportunity for networking and growth! On the 4th day of "Regular Networking Activities", the Microcredit team organized "Networking Sessions" to facilitate interaction between beneficiaries through interactive activities, where they exchanged experiences, ideas and experiments and showcased their products This project is funded by Fons Menorquei
Read moreAn opportunity for networking and growth! On the third day of the “Regular Networking Activities” the microcredit team presented a training workshop under the title “The importance of marketing” focusing on the impact of marketing on revenues and its importance for business. The beneficiaries also learned effective marketing strategies and how to professionally photograph and creatively market their project successfully. This project is funded by Fons Menorquei
Read moreAn opportunity for networking and growth! The Small Loans Team organized a series of training workshops as part of regular networking events, with the second day focused on "The Importance of the Project Name and Logo." The economic expert explained the significance of choosing the right name for the success of the project, while the association's graphic designer provided a detailed explanation on how to design a logo that professionally reflects the project's identity. He also assisted participants in designing their own logos, adding great value to building the identity of their projects. The program continues to provide the necessary skills to professionally develop projects. This project is funded by Fons Menorquei
Read more"A chance to connect and grow" The microcredit team organized a series of training workshops as a part of “Regular networking events”. The first training day was titled :” How to Choose a Business idea”. The training was done by both a financial and economic exports, who provided valuable advice on how to select the idea project and manage funds effectively????. This project is funded by Fons Menorquei
Read moreAs part of the Alternative School project, the social worker presented a life skills activity entitled “Communication.” This activity aims to develop students' skills in effective communication, and teach them how to express their thoughts and feelings in positive and correct ways. Through this activity, students learned the importance of active listening and speaking confidently, as well as how to build communication relationships based on mutual respect. It was a great opportunity to enhance daily life skills that help them interact better with their social and community surroundings.
Read moreUnder the title “Culture of Welcome and Meeting,” students in Beddawi camp were trained under the Alternative School project on how to deal with family, teachers, and friends at the beginning of their day in a way that reflects their confidence, positivity, and expression of their feelings.
Read moreThe financial expert of the Microcredit project funded by Fons Menorquí, conducted a workshop titled "Savings and Credit," which aims to teach how to establish community savings and credit groups to enhance cooperation and savings among the beneficiaries. Influencer Mohamed Farhoud also participated with a special intervention, where he discussed the importance of active participation and knowledge sharing to build a strong and sustainable financial community. This project funded by fons menorquei
Read more“Support classes within the Violet Home Project are lighting the path to a brighter future for students in Ein El Hilweh and Nahr El Bared camps. Education is the cornerstone of hope, empowering young minds to dream, grow, and build a better tomorrow despite the challenges they face. Together, we are fostering resilience, knowledge, and the promise of a brighter future for every student.” Violet Home project is funded by caritas Espanola.
Read moreAs part of the small loans project, the social worker and the financial expert conduct regular visits to existing projects to gather information and monitor the financial situation of the beneficiaries. In addition, they provide advice to improve the projects and ensure their success. This project,Funded by Fons Menorquí de cooperació
Read moreThis is how the students of the Violet Home Project enjoy art and crafts sessions, which are considered recreational and creative. These sessions provide the students with opportunities to showcase their skills and learn new ones. Violet Home project is funded by Caritas Espanola
Read moreSome photos from the school dropout classes as part of the “Violet Home” project implemented by the Nuwat Association in both Ain Al-Hilweh and Nahr Al-Bared camps. Here, girls come together to acquire various educational and behavioral skills. They are provided with opportunities to build new friendships and increase their awareness of different life topics. The Violet Home is a second home for every student and the perfect step to empower everyone to achieve their dreams. Violet Home project is funded by Caritas Espanola.
Read moreAs a part of the microcredit project funded by Fons Menorqui, a workshop was held for the beneficiaries of the project in both camps, Naher el bared and badawi, under the title "Financial Tips for a better project". The goal of the workshop was to equip the beneficiaries with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve sustainable success in their small businesses and make the most of their financial resources. Together towards a better future.
Read moreAs part of Capacity Building for Employees, Nuwat Association organized a training course on “Outcome Harvesting” implemented by the International Academy for Building Capacity (IABC) and presented by Mr. “Bilal Arkadan”. During this training, trainees learned how to effectively collect evidence and analyze the results achieved from activities, methods of documenting results and linking them to the changes achieved, in addition to the importance of flexibility in collecting data from various sources. Also, how to use this approach to continuously evaluate results, which enhances adaptation to changing conditions, and transforms them into a practical vision to improve future performance. This training course is part of the Seeds of Independence project funded by Bjorka Frihet.
Read more“Empowering young minds through education A glimpse into the dedication of students at Nuwat Association, part of the Violet Home Project in Ein El Helwi and Nahr Al Bared Camps. Together, we build brighter futures and stronger communities. Violet Home Project is funded by Caritas Espanola.
Read moreThe Violet Home project, as part of the “Your Decision, Your Choice” campaign aimed at promoting gender equality and reducing early marriage, organized an awareness session for mothers on the topic of early marriage. This session was conducted in collaboration with the “ New Beam of Life” project and was attended by mothers of drop-out students, support students, and pregnant women benefiting from the projects. The session addressed the topic of early marriage from all perspectives—psychological, social, and medical—to highlight the negative impact of early marriage on the mental health and physical well-being of girls, as well as on their social relationships. The Violet Home and New Beam of Life projects are implemented with funding from Caritas Española.
Read more“Because life is full of challenges, The Violet Home project strives to empower every girl to build her future with confidence and determination. Through life skills sessions designed specifically for out-of-school girls in Ain Al-Hilweh and Nahr Al-Bared camps, we work on enhancing communication skills, positive thinking, and decision-making, providing them with the tools they need to face life and achieve their dreams. We believe that every girl deserves a new opportunity for success and self-fulfillment, free from obstacles. Together towards a better life and a brighter future! Violet Home project is funded by Caritas Espanola
Read more“Certificates of participation were awarded to students of the educational courses held under the Violet Home Project, offering vital support to displaced students, especially during the hardships of war. A step forward in rebuilding hope and shaping brighter futures.” Violet Home project is funded by Caritas Espanola
Read more“Education is a beacon of hope in times of hardship. Through the Violet Home project, we provide displaced students with the opportunity to learn, grow, and rebuild their futures. Every course offered is a step towards resilience and a brighter tomorrow.” Violet Home project is funded by Caritas Espanola
Read more"Las capacitaciones intensivas en el ámbito del apoyo psicosocial contribuyen a empoderar a los trabajadores de las organizaciones sociales y humanitarias para ofrecer atención psicológica de calidad para los desplazados. Estas capacitaciones refuerzan la capacidad de los trabajadores para aplicar estrategias efectivas de intervención psicosocial, lo que ayuda a mejorar la capacidad de los desplazados para adaptarse con las traumas psicológicos, reducir los efectos del estrés psicológico crónico y, por fin, fortalecer su resiliencia psicologicos ante las crisis. Presentamos junto a ustedes capacitaciones sobre la provisión de apoyo psicosocial para el personal y voluntarios de la Asociación Nuwat, como parte de la campaña de ayuda humanitaria lanzada por la Asociación Nuwat." Recibimos sus donaciones en especie en los centros de la asociación en los campos de refugiados de Ain al-Hilweh, Burj al-Barajneh, Beddawi y Nahr al-Bared. También pueden realizar donaciones monetarias a través de nuestra cuenta en la plataforma Wish Money a nombre de la Asociación Nuwat, telefono: +96176950031, o al número de cuenta siguiente: 21022996-01. Cada una de sus donación contribuye a proveer las necesidades básicas de estas familias y a aliviar su sufrimiento diario. Para consultas, por favor comuníquese al siguiente número: +96176950031. Intensive training in the field of psychosocial support contributes to enabling workers in social and humanitarian organizations to provide quality psychological care to displaced people. These trainings enhance the ability of workers to apply effective strategies for psychological and social intervention, which contributes to improving the ability of displaced people to cope with psychological traumas, reducing the effects of chronic psychological stress, and thus enhancing their psychological resilience in the face of crises. Here, we present the training on providing psychosocial support to the staff and volunteers of Nuwat Association, as part of the relief campaign launched by Nuwat Association. We receive your in-kind donations at the association’s centers in Ain al-Hilweh camp, Burj al-Barjanah, al-Beddawi, and al-Bared. Or cash financial donations on our Wish Money account on Nuwat Association account, phone number: +96176950031, account number: 21022996-01. Every donation you make contributes to providing the basic needs of these families and alleviating their daily suffering. For inquiries, please contact the following number: +96176950031
Read moreTo ensure the ability of beneficiaries within the MicroCredit project, Nuwat Association, through the project team, held a training course entitled "Basic Accounting Skills" in cooperation with the International Academy for Capacity Building in Ain al-Hilweh Camp on 19-9-2024. This project was funded by Fons Menorquí de cooperació
Read moreNuwat Association, within the Microcredit Project, held a training course in cooperation with the International Academy for Building Capacity in Al-Badawi Camp, a number of trainees in this course came from Nahr al-Bared Camp, to attend the course entitled "Enhancing Communication Skills" on 9/14/2024. The participants expressed their gratitude for holding such courses given the importance of communication and its effective role in all aspects of life. This project was funded by Fons Menorquí de cooperació
Read moreThe computer course launched by the Violet Home Project in both Ain al-Hilweh and Nahr al-Bared camps has been successfully completed. The course targeted students aged 13 and above to introduce them to the basics of Word and Excel programs. The students benefited greatly from this course, and participation certificates were handed out, with commemorative photos taken of them. Violet home project is funded by Caritas Espanola.
Read moreTo enhance communication skills, Nuwat Association, within the microcredit project, held a training course in cooperation with the International Academy for Building Capacity in Ain al-Hilweh camp on 9/11/2024. This project funded by Fons Menorquí de cooperació
Read moreDeveloping leadership skills for women is a training course within the microcredit project that the Nuwat Association held in cooperation with the International Academy for Capacity Building in Burj al-Barajneh camp on 9/6/2024. This project is funded by Fons Menorquí de Cooperació
Read more"Photos from the computer course being conducted as part of the Violet Home Project in both Ain al-Hilweh and Nahr al-Bared camps, targeting students aged 13 and above." Violet Home Project is funded by Caritas Espanola.
Read moreWithin the framework of the microcredit project, Nuwat Association cooperated with the International Academy for Building capacity, held a training workshop entitled "Developing Leadership Skills for Women" in Al Badawi camp the training was attended by some of the beneficiaries of Nahr al-Bared camp. The session was held on 7/9/2024. This project is funded by Fons Menorquí de Cooperació
Read moreIn implementation of the training program provided by Nuwat Association to train beneficiaries and in partnership with the International Academy for Capacity Building, Nawa Association, through the Microcredit Project team, held a training workshop entitled "Developing Marketing Skills" in Burj al-Barajneh Camp. The session was held on 3/9/2024. This project was funded by Fons Menorquí de cooperació
Read moreNuwat Association, through the Microcredit Project team, in partnership with the International Academy of Capacity Building, held a training workshop entitled "Developing Leadership Skills for Women" in Ain El-Helweh camp. The session was held on 9/9/2024. Fons Menorquí de Cooperació
Read moreIn continuation of the efforts aimed at developing skills of loan officers within the MicroCredit project implemented by Nuwat Association in coordination with the International Academy for Capacity Building, a training course was held for loan supervisors within the project in order to raise skills and experience on 7/9/2024 This project is funded by Fons Menorqui De Cooperacio
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