rights and reality
"There is confusion between the refusal to settle the Palestinians in Lebanon and the deprivation of their most basic civil, social and cultural rights.. Lebanon is considered one of the countries that ratified most of the provisions of the Casablanca Protocol in 1965, when the resolution stipulated the need to treat Palestinians in the Arab countries in which they reside as the treatment of the original people. In terms of their rights of residency and work..but the situation on the ground is completely different..the Palestinian is still treated as a foreigner, his rights are limited and he does not get the rights stated in international charters in terms of ownership..we cannot forget that Lebanon started an introduction its constitution with a text expressing respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law..."
The wonder of the awakening of the Minister, "Kamil Abu Suleiman", on the eligibility of the Lebanese labor force to work inside Lebanon like the rest of the workforce... to issue his decision in the name of the "Foreign Labor Plan in Lebanon", while the ministers before him left the matter as an exception!! Anyway, in Lebanon, you have to get used to everything that is strange and strange.
Unprecedented vision!
The minister finds that what he is doing is right, and it is a legal procedure that takes its course, and by this he may draw attention to the fact that he is working to modify and change the reality that a period of time has passed and has not changed, while the Lebanese people are waiting for change and renewal, as the other is tired of repetition and problems. political affairs, and everything is heading for the worse.. The minister's enthusiasm was initially focused on developing a legal plan in his view; It works to preserve the right of the Lebanese to work unchallenged and without competition!
While the ministers before him did not pay attention to rights, guarantees, entitlement and eligibility... they were oblivious and he was alone on his watch.
But, Mr. Minister, he did not notice that his state has banned nearly seventy professions for the Palestinian, so how can he obtain a work permit that is basically prohibited!!? And did he consider the existence of a Palestinian-Lebanese dialogue committee affiliated to the Council of Ministers? Is it the right of his decision to bypass this committee? !!
The Palestinian worker is exposed to great challenges in the Lebanese labor market. If he manages to get a job, the first thing that collides with him is the mood of the employer in terms of deprivation, devaluation, and the low wages he gives in exchange for heavy work... Not to mention the unfair conditions, harsh assignments, and abusive treatment, in addition to being in a state of unfair dismissal at any moment. There is no legal cover to protect it.
There is no difference between a freelance worker and a certificate holder.. The Palestinian engineer who implements the project with a continuous effort in terms of follow-up, auditing and implementation, despite all these efforts, these efforts are placed in the name of the Lebanese engineer who assigned the Palestinian to his job.
If we go to the Palestinian doctors who have passed the Coloquium exam, we find that they can only work in relief institutions and the Palestinian Red Crescent hospitals, not to mention that the medical reports issued by Palestinian doctors are not recognized by the Lebanese state until they are signed by a Lebanese doctor.
I will not talk about the buildings that fall day after day while they are under the supervision of a Lebanese engineer.. and I will not address the suffering of the Lebanese from the medical field in Lebanon in terms of efficiency, costs and fatal medical errors, and their flight to Syria to extract a tooth or perform an appendix operation, which is the simplest operation that the Lebanese fear to perform in Lebanon .
It is necessary to look at matters closely and examine the reality.. Then it is possible to report and talk about rights and preferences.
The employment of the Palestinian is not a robbery of the right of the Lebanese worker, and it is not considered a competition, as it is said.. (Give the baker his bread even if he eats half of it).. For every interest of the people and the Lebanese citizen can rule.
I do not underestimate the Lebanese in my stories, but I will address one of the categories to which the Lebanese himself testifies. Every nation is good and bad, knowledgeable and ignorant... Every person has his own livelihood and he does not take from the livelihood of others except what is destined for him.