For a Safe Motherhood


The World Health Organisation seeks a world in which every pregnant woman and her new born receives a high quality of medical care throughout pregnancy, child birth and post-partum period, in order to reduce the complications resulting from pregnancy and giving birth, and to ensure that the pregnant women will have a positive pregnancy experience. From this principle, “For a Safe Motherhood “campaign was launched within the New Beam of Life Project. This campaign aims to increase awareness and spread knowledge among pregnant women and mothers by holding awareness sessions and publishing posters on social media that includes health information related to pregnancy, childbirth and children care.



recreational activity for pregnant women

Nuwat Association organized a recreational activity for pregnant women and mothers benefiting from the New Beam of Life project in Hittin pool and rest area. The activity aims to help pregnant women and mothers to exchange their experience about issues related to pregnancy, childbirth and child care. This activity comes among the activities that help pregnant women and mothers to improve their mood and mental health, especially that they are passing with difficult circumstances and facing daily accumulations on regular basis.

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