Right to Work

• Right to Work Campaign: 
Campaign definition:
The right to work of a Palestinian refugee in Lebanon is subject to three basic restrictions: obtaining a work permit, the principle of reciprocity, and national preference.
In 2010, the Lebanese Parliament issued Law No. 129, which amended Article 59 of the Lebanese Labor Law, and Law 128, which amended Article 9 of the Social Security Law, while the amendments kept the condition that the Palestinian worker obtain a work permit as a foreigner in the eyes of the law, and the ban imposed on The right of the Palestinians to exercise the free task, which is subject to the condition of reciprocity, which is impossible to implement in light of the continued Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories.
The aim of the campaign:
Through this campaign, we seek to highlight the violations that the Palestinian worker residing in Lebanon is subjected to, and to press for Palestinians to be able to practice all professions, including free professions, as a refugee, based on international refugee laws.
In addition to facilitating their joining professional unions, and benefiting from the services of the Social Security Fund, similar to the Lebanese worker.
We also highlight the importance of vocational guidance and human rights awareness for the Palestinian student, and their right to education and its relevance to the right to work.
As a result of these restrictions, the unemployment rate among Palestinians has risen to 65 percent, according to UNRWA statistics, and to 70 percent, according to the statistics of popular committees and civil society institutions, which portends a social catastrophe.
The campaign included many awareness sessions, awareness activities, distribution of posters, in addition to preparing videos related to the right to work, which were circulated on social media.