meeting with the public committees in Ein el Helwi camp

Within " Desicions take seconds, regret last lifetime" campaign, which started on November 25th for the aim of eliminating violence against women and early marriage and supporting equality between men and women, the coordinator of the Violet Home project, Fatima Akel; held a meeting with the public committees in Ein el Helwi camp to introduce them to our project, its goal, the target population within it, the geographical areas where the project is applying, and its achievements throught the past years. In addition to that, they were introduced to the 25th of november campaign, which aimed to eliminate early marriage and were shown the various activities and sessions held and those to be implemented within this campaign.
The public committees welcomed the idea of the Violet Home project and provided encouragement for our efforts in improving and benefiting society.
This project is funded by Cãritas Española.