Seeds of Independence


Self-determination is the right of peoples to take their future in their own hands and determine the path and political options that they deem appropriate, including forming their governments without external influence and determining the form of government. Within the Seeds of Independence program funded by Bjorkafriht, which operates in two areas: mobilization and advocacy, the Seeds of Independence project was established. It is a project concerned with mobilizing young people around the struggle against the occupation by creating content and publishing it on social media and conducting activities and awareness sessions. This project consists of a youth network "Seeds of Independence Network" from various Palestinian camps and gatherings in Lebanon working on implementing several online campaigns in addition to implementing awareness sessions as well as carrying out activities that center around the general goal of the program which is to become the progressive civil society organizations in the areas affected by Occupation, vital, strategic and sustainable organizations in their struggle against the occupation and for those affected by the occupation to have the right to self-determination.

In the area of mobilizing and organizing individuals in their struggle against the occupation, an online questionnaire was launched that targeted a relatively random sample. The aim of this questionnaire is to discover the issues of most interest to users of social media platforms related to the Palestinian cause and the struggle against the occupation, as well as to find out what types of content are most attractive to them. In addition to determining the campaign that we will launch first during the year 2023. According to the results of the questionnaire, the first campaign is titled "Exposing the Occupation Crimes". This campaign includes creating content and publishing it on social media that focuses on exposing the crimes of the occupation by publishing posters, videos, and articles. In addition to carrying out activities and implementing awareness sessions related to the campaign and commemorating national events in coordination with other youth organizations. In addition to building a global network that includes youth networks from different countries to carry out common activities centered on the struggle against occupation.

To effectively implement all the aforementioned materials, a training course was given to the members of the Seeds of Independence Network on "Social Media Marketing" in order to develop their marketing skills and develop methods of working through social media in a way that serves the project's goal.

In the field of advocacy regarding the political rights of people living under occupation and in refugee camps, meetings were held with Palestinian political parties and members of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon, with the aim of unifying the Palestinian position and pushing for an end to the internal political division that contributed to the weakening of the struggle against the occupation. Hence, the political parties in Lebanon can influence their political parties in Palestine. And, to persuade them to draw up a common national policy regarding the Palestinian struggle in line with the aspirations of the Palestinian people. On the other hand, meetings were held with the Lebanese political parties with the aim of strengthening the Lebanese political position that rejects normalization with the Israeli occupier and unifying the struggles of the Palestinian and Lebanese refugee people against the occupation. To highlight that the Lebanese people have their own struggle against the Israeli occupier, and we as Palestinian refugees also have our own struggle against the Israeli occupier, uniting these two struggles will make each of us more powerful in our struggle.