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The project main goal is: contribution in protecting rights of the refugee's girls and teens girl who are living in Lebanon, and that in line with the goals of sustainable development No. 5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”

this project was started at the beginning of February 2020 and will be continued till the end of March 2021 and it includes the following activities:

  • providing support education for 90 girls and teens girls in grade 8 till the baccalaureate class.
  • providing the necessary alternative education (BLN) for 60 girls and teenage school dropouts.
  • Providing Monthly food ration for 100 vulnerable families to contribute to reducing girls and adolescent vulnerabilities who are enrolled in the project.
  • implementing a leadership training for 20 girls and female adolescents.
  • providing computers and networking training courses to 40 girls and adolescents who have dropped out of school.
  • enrollment of 50 girls and adolescents in women sport club
  • enrollment of 50 girls and adolescents in the library and internet center for women.
  • implementation of 3 Grouping and general psychological sessions
  • implementation of individual psychological sessions for girls in specific and critical cases.
  • implementing 3 common activities between girls enrolled in the project and their Moms.
  • A media promotion campaign for the project.
  • production and promotion of awareness videos
  • Awareness and impact meetings with social and political actors in the camp.