Alternative School


The project, established in 1998 under the name "Alternative School," focuses on ensuring equal educational opportunities for all children aged 6 to 14 who have dropped out of school.

It aims to empower these children both educationally and psychologically, facilitating their return to regular schools or enrollment in vocational institutions where they can learn trades.

This approach helps reduce child labor and early marriage by providing alternatives that enable financial independence and a dignified life, aligning with societal norms. Additionally, the project supports students in UNRWA, public, and private schools who face academic challenges and are at risk of dropping out.

It helps maintain their enrollment and improves their academic performance. The project also offers psychological and social support, health resources, and educational enrichment through structured activities, including educational entertainment, library programs, and awareness sessions for parents and children.

It provides empowering training courses in partnership with other institutions within the camp, further promoting equal educational opportunities and addressing child labor and early marriage.