Nuwat held workshop entitled: "Concepts of gender-based violence."


A training workshop was held at the Nuwat Association - Social Solidarity Center - Ain El-Helweh branch entitled: "Concepts of gender-based violence." The workshop was presented by: Shurooq Qutaish, Haifa Kayed, and pillow Hamdan from the Mouwasat Association in partnership with Mercy Code Association (GBV project). The training workshop was attended by volunteers of the Nuwat Association, and workers in its departments. The training workshop opened with an explanation of biological sex, gender and the difference between them. The workshop also dealt with an explanation of the types of social violence that are considered a violation of human rights. Lecturers then gave an explanation about how service providers deal with "women and children" survivors of gender-based violence. The forms of violence are: physical violence, moral / psychological violence, sexual violence, economic violence, and harmful traditional practices. The lecturers also stressed the importance of disclosure, which would allow the way to intervene and provide the necessary assistance to the survivors. This disclosure is made with the informed consent of the survivors, and then they are referred to the competent authorities in order to benefit from the services provided by these authorities in terms of health assistance, legal advice, and providing them with psychosocial support. Referral methods are explained through which survivors of violence are assisted. The training workshop was characterized by the interaction that took place between the lecturers and the participants. The workshop ended with a lunch party.