

Empowerment is the process of gaining enough control and confidence that urge make social and economic changes within the community

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It is a relief program that aims to provide financial and solid assistance to the neediest persons

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Our goal at NUWAT is to provide a valuable and constructive Children's program within a safe and nurturing environment

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Youths' Leadership

Youths in Lebanon encounter numerous challenges associated to the economic, political and social impediment to their integration within their community.

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International Mother Language Day

"My language, my identity… through it, I express myself!" At the Alternative School Project – Nuwat Association, we celebrate International Mother Language Day, highlighting the importance of Arabic Language in preserving our culture, identity, and education. Because learning starts with our language and reaches the world!

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Regular Networking Activities

As part of the 'Regular Networking Activities,' the microcredit Team in the Beddawi Camp organized a special meeting with one of the entrepreneurs in the camp. The meeting focused on her inspiring story of starting her business from home and developing it despite the challenges and difficulties she faced. She spoke about how she overcame obstacles and expanded her business, becoming a role model for success and growth in the world of entrepreneurship." This project is funded by Fons Menorquei

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Group Sessions

Empowering each other through shared experiences, open conversations, and mutual support. In these group sessions, in Ein El Helwi and Naher El Bared camps, that are implemented within Violet Home Project, we create a safe space to grow, heal, and inspire one another. Because together, we are stronger! Violet home project is funded by Caritas Espanola.

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The legality of the BDS weapon and its impact.

The legality of the BDS weapon and its impact. Introduction: During the twentieth century, dozens of boycott campaigns took place around the world, which were a force that forced the aggressing parties to submit to the required political conditions and implement them against their will. We mention among them the Indian “Swadeshi” campaign that was launched at the beginning of the last century under the influence of British plans that aimed to divide the Bengal region into two parts. Muslim East and Hindu West, the campaign was part of the Indian independence movement aimed at boycotting British goods imported into India and relying on Indian local production. Gandhi was a supporter of the campaign in the 1930s, and the campaign succeeded in putting pressure on Britain, so India established its economy and restrained the British hand. It was also the movement to boycott the apartheid state “South Africa”, which arose at the hands of a group of South African politicians represented in the Committee of African Organizations, who met with groups of students and exiles in London to search for a political alternative against the apartheid state in South Africa in the year 1959. The boycott lasted thirty-five years and caused great economic and political losses to the British state and contributed to the dismantling of the state’s economic system. And the movement to boycott German goods in 1933, which the Central Union of German Jews known as “CV” resorted to to use it as a political protest movement against the new “Reich” government at that time, and at that time Hitler was the new ruler of Germany and acts of violence against the Jews and against their interests were escalating, so this choice was a reason for concern by Hitler's business sponsors and the Nazi Party. However, this movement did not succeed at the time in stopping the attack on German Jews, and the reason for the failure of this attempt, according to historians, was that there was political hostility to the boycott movement, and an agreement was concluded with the Nazi Party known as the “Havara” agreement, which aimed to displace sixty thousand Jews from Germany to Palestine. From these examples, it is possible to understand what boycott is and know its importance and the strength of its impact on the economic and political levels. We note that the factors for the success or failure of using this force is the political condition represented by the solidarity and unity formed by the political actors. The second condition is the economic one in which the boycott will take place. It calls for collective insistence, reliance on the local economy, and stopping the process of foreign imports. The best thing about this matter is to create self-sufficiency that depends on the local capabilities and capabilities for production. Any defect in one of the conditions will be the fate of the boycott to failure, just as the efforts of the Jews failed. Germany in the boycott. In this article, I talk about the legitimacy of using the boycott weapon to support the people of Gaza in response to the unjust Zionist aggression, and a form of international economic sanctions in the United Nations Charter represented by boycott. I will discuss the Palestinian boycott movement “BDS” and its impact, aiming to urge Arab youth to use This is the means that develops our sense of human responsibility, and I will not speak about patriotism, but rather about the humanitarian aspect, and this is the least that can be done. A look at the rules of international law: International economic sanctions are one of the forms of international sanctions recognized in international relations. However, they have not been defined in international jurisprudence, and definitions have varied regarding them. The reason for this is that sanctions fall under many forms, and international economic sanctions are among the most important. Forms of punishment within the framework of international relations, the United Nations Charter does not address the definition of sanctions or punishments. It was included in the Treaty of Versailles to indicate the application of pressure under Article 16 of the League of Nations, and the punishment of war criminals under Articles 227 and 1230. It is noted that the United Nations Charter did not use the term “penalty,” although this term was mentioned in the preparatory work for the Charter. When drafting the United Nations Charter, several amendments were made to the Dumberton Oaks Project, replacing the expression “measures” that do not require the use of force, as stated in Article 41, in place of sanctions or penalties. The formulation of the provisions of the United Nations Charter was influenced by the expressions of sanctions that were used in the era of the League of Nations. Boycott is considered a form of international economic sanctions. Boycott means that a state stops its economic and financial relations with another state and its nationals with the aim of forcing this state to comply with the demand of the first state. Boycott includes stopping all economic, commercial, financial, investment and social relations with the state targeted by the boycott, the boycott should cover various fields, especially tourism, immigration, travel, and various commercial and financial transactions. The boycott may mean abstaining from and preventing purchases and imports. It may also include preventing exports and prohibiting total or partial shipping to a specific country or countries. The boycott is decided to put pressure on the targeted country in order to obstruct its foreign trade, disrupt its financial relations, and influence its internal and foreign policy, in the sense of weakening it economically. The success of the economic boycott or not is linked to achieving its goals. Therefore, the boycott must be effective and effective, inflicting serious economic damage on the targeted country in order for it to be considered Successful. The aim of the boycott is to prevent the targeted country from importing necessary materials and weapons, to obstruct its exports and limit its international activity. Perhaps this makes it extremely influential and severe on the country’s economic balance, because countries have large and intertwined economic relations with other countries, which puts it in a state of continuous dependence on economic cooperation, either for its needs for foreign goods to satisfy its internal needs, or to market its products externally, or either to request assistance and facilities with other mutual relations between countries, and this is what harms the targeted country and curbs its freedom to exercise its sovereign rights. and its international obligations. Among the international sanctions in the economic field that the UN Security Council resorted to in the Iraq and Kuwait war, the facts of which mimic our current reality, with regard to military operations and the humanitarian situation, which the UN Security Council adopted to protect, adopting a set of measures to end the crisis at that time, Below I present before you Resolution 661, which was issued on August 6, 1990, which came without waiting for a reaction from the Iraqi government to Resolution 660. The resolution imposes comprehensive sanctions on Iraq with the approval of 13 countries and the abstention of both Cuba and Yemen. It was at the beginning of the third point on the list. Measures: Decides that all states shall prohibit the following: 1. Preventing all countries from importing any goods and products originating from Iraq or Kuwait. 2. Any activities carried out by its nationals or in its territories that would promote the export or transit shipment of any goods or products from Iraq or Kuwait. 3. Any sale or supply carried out by its nationals or carried out from its territories or using ships flying its flag. In the fourth point of the resolution, it was stated: “It is decided that all countries shall refrain from providing any funds or any other financial or economic resources to the government of Iraq or to any commercial or industrial projects or any public utility projects in Iraq or Kuwait.” To this point, I believe that the legitimacy of using the boycott weapon has become clear, based on what was stated above in the UN Security Council resolution, and what was stated in Resolution 661, and this is what must be implemented today, whether by a UN resolution or by Arab and international efforts to put pressure on the Zionist entity and achieve more success by harming it and stopping its criminal acts. Right to the Palestinian people. The Palestinian boycott movement "BDS" and its impact: in conclusion: The legality of the boycott weapon does not require proof, and do not wait for legal justification. It is a right of self-defense and there is no dispute about that. In the above, I was highlighting with the intention of reminding and noting that this method has an impact, and I brought up the living examples that we are witnessing at the present time, it has a great place in international law because of its peacefulness and because it is a right that is legitimized when exposed to violations and violations of laws, especially humanitarian issues. The United Nations has included it in its lists of charters and the UN Security Council decides on it as an international decision that must be implemented. The boycott has become everyone's responsibility, and the youth are at the forefront because they are the group that carries the banner of change and influence. Moreover, the boycott is a weapon of those who are powerless to confront the genocide launched by the Zionist aggression against the children, women and elders of Gaza. Here we reach a tangible result and a firm conviction that the most effective means and the most powerful weapon to dissuade this enemy lies in unity, agreement, insistence and commitment to implement this goal, and that after what was presented in this humble article and based on the vivid examples and realistic evidence provided, boycott is a legally stipulated weapon. In international laws and contained in United Nations charters, it has proven its effectiveness in defeating colonialism. Mohamad Al Kasir

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Another War Scenario

It is not a first round in any case, as this latest aggression was preceded by attacks, or as they are said, military escalations, and this only indicates that the aggression is ongoing in various fields and for many reasons, but it is escalated from time to time according to the requirements and visions of the replacement colonial entity. We must review a few facts here. First, the Gaza Strip, which is a coastal strip with an area of 365 square kilometers, is indirectly occupied and besieged. In addition, for example, to being forced to trade in the enemy’s currency, the enemy stands at all of its crossings, controlling movement, livelihood, and the economy, except for the crossing. Rafah, the connecting point between Palestinian Rafah and Egyptian Rafah, is supposed to be a sovereign point on which Egypt is based. Secondly, the enemy had withdrawn from Gaza in 2005, driven by intense resistance. In his announcement of withdrawal, he revealed a unilateral disengagement decision, which is a political term that aims to separate between two states until each state achieves its geographical and political sovereignty. The Knesset will later cancel the decision in March from the year 2023. Third, the siege on Gaza began in 2007 following the legislative elections in January 2006, as a collective punishment for the people of Gaza choosing their legislative representative, through a democratic election process. However, the enemy - the only democracy in the Middle East according to the West’s estimation - wanted a different fate for the people of Gaza. Fourth, since its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip until before October 7, 2023, the Israeli enemy attacked Gaza six times, the longest of which was Operation Protective Edge in 2014, which lasted 51 days and killed 2,322 martyrs. How can we today count more than 220 days of aggression against the Gaza Strip? More than 35 thousand martyrs, more than 10 thousand missing, whether prisoner, martyr, or alive under the rubble, and tens of thousands of wounded who did not survive their wounds and will not survive another targeting. Public opinion agreed upon the beginning of the aggression in October 2023 on a scenario different from the incident, similar to previous attacks at the very least. In our conversations, we used to say that this world will move naturally. We attribute this wish to several reasons, including: The Israeli narrative has been proven false, and it has become clear that the enemy is using media platforms and tongues in a ridiculous and vulgar manner. The issue is fundamentally related to a state of continuous struggle and a valid cause, which is historical Palestine, and that the Palestinian people are a people of a nation that will not watch them being slaughtered. It is a struggle between an occupying colonizer and a people who have been under substitutionary colonialism for 76 years, and that international humanitarian law stipulates the right to self-defense for whom, and when it is due. We are in the era of human rights and organizations striving for this cause, in addition to those who believe in rights and humanity, on another authoritarian side, countries and groups with popular, political and military weight condemn the right of the Palestinian struggle and the duty to support and advocate for it. But “we” have been since the date of this aggression, and we have stood by every massacre that we believe will push this world to stand up for once against the enemy. What is also striking is that when we said, we do not mean the Palestinian people exclusively, and we did not only include Arab public opinion, but rather we are groups of varying race, gender, and affiliation. Culture believes that this genocide against the Gaza Strip must be stopped, but rather the Palestinian right from the river to the sea must be restored. There is a real scene today of communities living on the streets of varying ages, educational levels, societal jobs, and positions, all of them from his place and his country asking for serious action to stop the genocide, and to stop supporting the criminal enemy, but something stands between the will of the communities and stopping the genocide, is the will of the governments that have concluded that there is no evidence of genocide in Gaza, and it tried its best to promote the story of the colonial enemy that it unleashed hell on Gaza only out of self-defense! Rather, it seemed as if the ruling class around the world was waiting for the opportunity to “neutralize” the Gaza Strip, and amid speeches and statements filled with “I am a human being who opposes violence,” a convoy of advanced modern weapons crossed, from them to Israel, destroying the health and education sector, amputating people’s limbs, weighing down their hearts, and pursuing them from a building to a tent, and we turn our attention between two situations, either the Philadelphia land crossing between Gaza and Egypt, or a water pier that they used to build with the rubble of buildings destroyed in Gaza that may carry the bones of martyrs or their flesh! In this accelerating time frame, none of the delegations from the developed world that rushed to the region seeking war or peace did not ask Gaza what it wants, and what fate it desires! This is another scenario of war that was not expected by an analyst or expert, I think. Readings continued to exaggerate the events. Some claimed that it was an aggression that would not last, and others believed that a war would take place in the region, but Gaza remained in the middle, being attacked from all sides, tasting the horrors of the wars that was witnessed by the nations in one aggression, one sentence... It is not a war we wish for, but rather how did we misjudge its age and brutality?

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Suspended struggle

The struggle itself is a right that is being taken away from us little by little for pretexts. The international community has actually shown reservations regarding the Palestinian situation, ruling that the legitimacy of the struggle is suspended. However, all of this did not eliminate the role of the Palestinian refugee youth in the struggle and in investing their asylum in support of a renewed struggle machine in Palestine. The refugee youth are a mobile speaking media that serves the Palestinian news, a corrective narrator of poisonous narratives broadcast through the enemy’s media machine, and a steadfast person who clings to “no settlement. Written by: Marwa Kindi

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Success stories


New Beam of Life

“My husband is Syrian and I am Lebanese. Neither the UNHCR, nor the Lebanese ministry of public health accepted to cover percentage from the fees of my delivery “. Fatima When Fatima was trying to find an institution to help her, she was informed about the New Beam of Life Project as it helped her by covering a large amount of the fees of her delivery as well as the fees of the Intensive care unit of the neonates as her baby needed to stay there for two days after being born. Also, she added “The milk that the association distribute to my daughter was very helpful as the price of milk container is very high and sometimes it is difficult for us to find the milk in the pharmacies.” Helping women in our project is not only limited to covering the costs related to childbirth, but we also work to educate women about their pregnancy period and also to improve women’s mental health through awareness and psychological sessions, as Fatima mentioned the following “The awareness sessions that you give us concerning pregnancy and mental health gives us a lot of useful information about our pregnancy period and how to deal with the changes that we may have through this period.”

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Alternative School Project

Alternative School Project: “I haven't been to school in my life, but I came to Nuwat and studied and learned. I changed for the better, my self-confidence increased, and I now have many dreams that I will try to achieve little by little”. Azzam, 15 years old Three years after he learned reading and writing skills and many life skills in the Alternative School Project, the graduation of this student who dropped out of school was a huge achievement because he believed that learning was his weapon for the coming days in building his future. Azzam now works in a clothing factory in Ain al-Hilweh camp, sewing clothes meticulously, carrying with him dreams of independence and self-sufficiency. Despite the challenges he faced earlier, he remains steadfast in his pursuit of a career that reflects his new skills and ambitions. With every stitch, he sees his dreams together, envisioning a future where his determination and hard effort push him toward a full, independent living.

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“I advise every woman to work on her situation, not to despair in the face of difficult life circumstances, to overcome difficulties, and to be stronger than the circumstances with faith and a solid will.” May Ourabi May a Palestinian refugee from Burj al-Barajneh camp, and she is a member of the Economic and Social Empowerment of Refugee Women in Lebanon Project. she was keen to break restrictions and was one of the women who had the opportunity to learn how to prepare Palestinian food mortar in the traditional way and with high skills, as she turned her small kitchen into a source of creativity and entrepreneurship. She started her own project from her home located in the alleys of the camp, where she began preparing mortar items using the most delicious recipes that the project trainers provided to her. Through determination and perseverance, she was able to secure a source of income that would help make her life and the life of her family better. The success of May encouraged many other women in the camp, because she was able to be a beacon of hope amidst difficulties so that her story remains an imprint and a living witness to the strength inherent in the Palestinian refugee woman who has been accustomed to facing challenges and crises since 1948 and has proven herself every time that she is the most powerful woman in the world.

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Main Activities


Main Projects


Direct Beneficiaries

Recent Projects

Microcredit Project

Empowering young refugee women in Lebanon through microcredit project It is a project that works to empower young refugee women in Lebanon, especially those who suffer from a very difficult economic situation and live in the following camps: Ain al-Hilweh, Burj al-Barajneh, Beddawi, Nahr al-Bared, and their surroundings. The core of the work of this project is in the interest of Palestinian refugee women to acquire the basic skills and sufficient passion to join the ranks of successful and creative people who form the cornerstone of raising awareness among the rest of the segments of our Palestinian society and be a ray of hope for those who are frustrated by the current economic conditions. As well as empowering refugee women who have a small project and need financial support to develop it. This project aims to empower female beneficiaries economically from the age of 18 to the age of 50 through small loans and also through training workshops on the administrative and financial issues necessary for them to manage their projects successfully. Through small loans economically, through the establishment of training workshops on the administrative and financial issues necessary for them to manage their project competently and to transfer the expertise of our team supervising this project to these people, enabling them to Dive into life and face different challenges. The lending and training process for beneficiaries through this project will be subject to some general conditions and preventive measures to ensure its sustainability and maintain its continuity to support and train the largest number of beneficiaries.

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Nuwat Empowerment

This project aims to strengthen the Nuwat Association's administrative and financial capabilities by training employees and volunteers on several administrative and financial skills.

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Socio-economic Empowerment for Palestinian Refugees

The primary objective of Socio-economic empowerment for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon project is to enhance equal access and control of economic resources among Palestinian refugee women in Ein El Helweh, Burj El-Barajneh, Beddawi, and Naher Al-Bared camps.

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Seeds of Independence

Self-determination is the right of peoples to take their future in their own hands and determine the path and political options that they deem appropriate, including forming their governments without external influence and determining the form of government.

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